Patient Information

Practitioners not listed specifically are charged at the standard fee rate.

Appointments can be made by booking online using the Book Appointment button at the top of the page or by calling the practice on 08 9399 5311.
Each person needs their own appointment. It is not appropriate to use one appointment for multiple people.
Every effort will be made to book you with your regular GP however if this is not possible then we will offer and recommend seeing another GP at the practice. Your medical record is accessible by all of the clinical team at the practice so can see previous results and any plans discussed with your regular GP.
If, for any reason, you cannot attend your appointment please notify us as soon as possible.
Appointments that are booked and missed, prevent other patients from booking appointments and access their GP.
Missed appointments or late cancellations may incur missed appointment fees.
Telephone appointments are available for patients who have infectious symptoms or are unable to attend the clinic
Patients will only be eligible for Medicare rebates or bulk billing (if applicable) if they have visited the practice in the last 12 months.

Patients who have not attended the practice before will need to supply some information for their appointment.
The new patient form can be downloaded, completed online or completed in the clinic.
You will need to bring your current Medicare card, photo ID and your DVA card and/or concession card with you to your appointment.
We will only ask for your photo ID at your first visit to confirm that you are the Medicare card holder. We will keep a copy on file in order to help validate your identity at subsequent visits.
At subsequent appointments we will check your Medicare and concession card validity as details/eligibility may change.
Please note that we do not prescribe opioids or drugs of addiction on the first visit.
We endeavour to allocate all new patients with some time with the practice nurse ahead of their GP appointment – please don’t be alarmed if you are called by one of our nurses first.

If your results need urgent action a member of the clinical team will call you as soon as the results are received.
For non-urgent results, if you have consented to receiving text messages from us, you will receive a message from HotDoc notifying you that a non-urgent appointment is required to discuss the results.
Please note that our reception team are not clinically trained and cannot give results.

We are committed to preventative health care and chronic disease management. As such we will put clinically relevant reminders about investigations, immunisations and health assessments on patient records.
If you have consented to receiving text messages from us, you will receive a message from HotDoc notifying you that there is a clinical reminder for follow up.

We have a limited number of appointments available between 7.30am and 8am and 5pm and 6pm most weekdays. We also have Saturday morning appointments available, however these time are often popular and do book up in advance.
Patients who are registered with our practice and need GP services outside of our regular hours are advised to call WADMS 08 9321 9133.
If your condition could in any way be life threatening, please call 000 immediately.

For emergencies, please dial 000 or go straight to ED.
For urgent requests that are not emergencies, Health Direct lists all practices registered as urgent care practices and their opening times.

Due to demand for appointments we generally aren’t able to offer home visits, however we work with WADMS who may be able to arrange a home visit with one of their doctors who will send details from their visit back to your regular GP.
If you need to arrange a home visit during practice hours, please contact the practice so the clinical team can liaise with.

Family members are able to provide translation services if you are happy for them to be present during your consultation but there are times when this will not be possible or when it isn’t appropriate.
If you require a translator for your appointment, please let us know ahead of your appointment so we can book a translator or you can arrange directly with TIS.
Patients who are hearing impaired can book an AUSLAN interpreter through the NABS website

Our staff will regularly ask patients for multiple points of identification including, name, date of birth, phone number and address – this is to ensure that we avoid mistaken identity in your files or record and protect your privacy.
Your medical record is confidential and we endeavour to maintain the security of your personal health information.
We will not release information to a third party unless without your written consent except in an emergency situation or when compelled by law.
Please see our privacy policy.

We follow the advice as updated by the Department of Health and the Government of Western Australia surrounding masks and social distancing.
Our admin team call patients on the day of their appointment to check if they are experiencing infectious symptoms.
Patients are still welcome to attend the clinic for their appointment or may decide to change to a telephone or video consultation.
Masks are no longer required to be worn inside the practice however for the wellbeing of everyone inside the building, if you have infectious symptoms you will be asked to wear a mask during your visit.
If you are experiencing infectious symptoms similar to COVID-19 symptoms, you will be asked to wait in your car or outside of the practice prior to seeing your GP, and invited in for the consult.
We want to treat everyone fairly and respectfully but in order to protect our most vulnerable patients and staff, some adaptations have been made in the light of COVID-19.
We hope that no one takes personal offence to our COVID safe measures.
Western Diagnostics do require masks to be worn when you are getting blood tests done within their collection centres.

We value your feedback. Please speak to any member of the clinical or admin team or you can drop your feedback or suggestions into our feedback box at reception.

If you feel unhappy with any aspect of the practice, please let us know so we can address your concerns by speaking to any member of the team. Alternatively you can forward your complaint in writing to or can download a complaint form online, or can pick one up at the clinic.

If you feel that you would like to escalate your complaint, you can contact Health and Disability Service Complaints Office (HaDSCO) by calling 1800 813 583 or through their website